Pacificgold Golden Retrievers Perm.Reg. 1983
Puppy Purchasing Agreement
The following purchase agreement is made and entered into by and between Breeder/Seller and Purchaser/owner:
To be effective as of this date_______________, breeder hereby sells and has delivered a __________ golden retriever puppy, whelped on __________________ with the tattoo or microchip # ______________________________________________
Sire: __________________________________ CKC/AKC #___________
Dam: _________________________________ CKC/AKC #____________
Purchase Price: __________________________________
Initials _____
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Term and conditions:
The purchaser/owner will always make sure that this above identified puppy will receive adequate and proper veterinarian care throughout its lifetime and all vaccinations and deworming will be maintained to ensure preventative health care. That this puppy will be provided with a fully secured fenced yard and/or a fully secure kennel run to house the puppy safely at all times. That this puppy will not be allowed to run at large unsupervised at any time. That this puppy will not be allowed to ride in the back of an open pick-up truck and that this puppy will never at any time be tied up as a form of confinement or housing.
That this puppy will be allowed to sleep in the house and will never become a dog that is housed outside all day and night. This puppy must have house time during the day and at night. That this puppy will be given adequate and proper shelter from all types of weather and that this puppy will always have proper and sufficient food at all times. This puppy will not be neglected in any manner and will never be mistreated. Under the terms of this agreement, the seller/breeder has the right to investigate the care of this puppy throughout his or hers lifetime. If the seller/breeder feels that this puppy is being abused, misrepresented or is not being given the proper care, including all the care required in this agreement, Pacificgold Golden Retrievers/breeder has the right and full authorization of the purchaser to remove the puppy/dog from the purchaser. At that time the purchaser will provide to the seller/breeder the signed CKC/AKC registration papers for the transfer of ownership of the puppy to the breeder.
Any time after the sale of the puppy/dog the purchaser guarantees Pacificgold Golden Retrievers first refusal to take this puppy back for rehoming should the purchaser not be able to keep or care for the puppy personally for any reason. The purchaser will at this time give the puppy’s signed registration papers to the breeder transferring the puppy into the name of the breeder/seller. The seller/breeder will then find a new suitable home for the puppy and will endeavor to get as near to the original purchase price as possible. The seller/breeder will deduct from the new purchase price any amounts owing for boarding and veterinarian care while the puppy is with the seller/breeder looking for a new home, the balance of the new purchase price will then be given to the original purchase identified above. This puppy will not be euthanized unless first notifying the breeder. (Unless the euthanizing is in the best interest of the puppy and by a qualified veterinarian).
That the purchaser agrees to notify Pacificgold Golden Retrievers of any change of
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addresses and or phone numbers. That the purchaser agrees to notify Pacificgold Golden Retrievers of any CKC or AKC titles obtained and completed by this puppy/dog throughout his or hers lifetime. That this puppy/dog shall not be used for the purposes of vivisection and will not be sold by or to a wholesale establishment, any chain store, catalog sales, broker, pet store or “puppy mill”.
Seller disclaims any damages to persons or property occurred by this puppy/dog throughout its lifetime once this puppy has left seller’s possession, whether solely owned or co-owned with the purchaser.
We hope your new puppy works out well in your new home. Pacificgold Golden Retrievers is always available for any advice or information on your new puppy/dog which may be required and would appreciate any information as to your puppy/dog’s health and welfare. Please feel free to call or write any time whether it is information needed or to let up know of your puppy/dogs accomplishments. Remember we cannot help you if you do not ask us.
This puppy has been sold as a pet puppy, therefore it is agrees that:
1) That if this is a male puppy he will not be neutered prior to 18 months and no later than 24 months.
2) If this is a female puppy she will not be spayed until at least 10 months or until after her first season. Once she has finished her first season she is to be spayed within three months of that date. She must be spayed after the first season.
3) The purchaser will furnish to Pacificgold Golden Retrievers/breeder a certificate of spay or neuter from the veterinarian within a month of the surgery being performed. If the purchaser is unable to get this puppy/dog spayed or neutered by the required age as indicated the breeder then has the purchasers permission to take this puppy/dog to a veterinarian of the breeders choice to be spayed or neutered and the purchaser will be responsible for the full expenses of the surgical procedure and any additional expenses occurring at the time of the spay or neuter and will reimburse the full amount to the breeder when the puppy/dog is returned to the purchaser.
4) That this puppy is sold on CKC non-breeding and will not be used for breeding. No puppies produced from this puppy will be eligible for CKC and or AKC registration. If this puppy is used for breeding and produces any puppies including through an accidental breeding, a $7500.00 in damages will be paid to Pacificgold Golden Retrievers/breeders by the buyers immediately upon the confirmation of the breeding, pregnancy or whelping of the litter. The above
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dog/puppy will be returned to the breeder at no cost to the breeder (including the shipping fees to return where required) and all offspring produced from any breeding of the above named dog will also be returned to the Pacificgold Golden Retrievers at no cost, along with the signed CKC and AKC registration papers, where Pacificgold Golden Retrievers will have full responsibility of the placement of the puppy/dog and its entire offspring.
Every reasonable precaution has been taken to prevent this puppy from acquiring hereditary hip and elbow dysplasia, cataracts and Subaortic Aortic Stenosis. Due to the unknown hereditary/genetic and environmental causes of such defects, no guarantee or warranty will be given against the above on this identified puppy. However should this puppy develop any of these listed problems deemed to be hereditary listed above and cannot function as a family pet by the age of 24 months of age, Pacificgold Golden Retrievers will refund up to $500.00 but not to exceed $500.00 within twelve months of notification and written verification by OFA (for hips and elbows), board certified ophthalmologist (for eyes) or board certified cardiologist (for hearts) provided written verification is received by the seller that the dog has been spayed or neutered.
No refund will be given if:
The dog above identified has not been examined by a veterinarian by 24 months with regards to hip, elbows, heart and eye defects – deemed to be hereditary.
The dog has previously been bred and is on a non-breeding agreement.
The dog has been neutered or spayed prior to the age specified above (before 18 months or after 24 months for a male and prior to 10 months or a females first season)
This dog has been over vaccinated – this to mean that the above identified puppy has been given yearly vaccinations with regards to Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis and Coronavirus, instead of every three years as is only needed at this time.
This dog has become overweight at any time with regards to the hip and elbow health issues.